Immuno therapy for Lung Cancer
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Cancer Immunotherapy is a treatment under development that teaches your own immune system to fight cancer
Learn how immunotherapy makes your immune system react to cancer cells ASCI* is an investigational compound for the treatment of cancer by immunotherapy
Learn how ASCI* targets specific cancer cells ASCI* in development for Lung Cancer
Learn how ASCI* can identify and eliminate non-small lung cancer cells Cancer
What you should know about cancer

What is cancer

How is cancer classified

Cancer treatement

Cancer Immunotherapy
How therapy can teach your own immune system to fight cancer

What is cancer immunotherapy

What is needed for an immune response to be effective against cancer

ASCI* Treatment
A new approach to cancer immunotherapy


ASCI* is a targeted approach

ASCI* is a potential treatment for a wide range of cancers

ASCI* may interfere with growth, recurrence and spread of tumors

ASCI* holds a potential for a better tolerability

ASCI* in the treatment of Lung Cancer
ASCI* in development for the treatment of a specific class of lung cancer

More about lung cancer


Clinical Studies
What you should know before you volunteer to participate in a clinical trial

What is a clinical trial

9 step guide to participation

The MAGRIT trial

Cancer Immunotherapy is a treatment under development that teaches your own immune system to fight cancer
ASCI* is an investigational compound for the treatment of cancer by immunotherapy Learn how ASCI* targets specific cancer cells
ASCI* find development for Lung Cancer Learn how ASCI* can identify and eliminate Small Lung Cancer cells
MAGRIT: a large-scale clinical study in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
Learn how the MAGRIT study intends to validate the value of ASCI* in the treatment of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer.

What is ASCI*?
ASCI* or Antigen Specific Immunotherapeutics is an new immunotherapy that is designed to teach your own immune system to fight targeted cancer cells. One ASCI* is made-to-target lung cancer cells.

Last update: 3-Oct-2008
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