Lung Cancer Medications and Treatment
Medications for Lung Cancer
Chemotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for small-cell lung cancer, although it is a cure in only a very small amount of people. However, chemotherapy can also be useful in treating the more advanced stages of small-cell lung cancer. Chemotherapy can be a rough process, but overall the treatment can prove valuable for patients with the disease.

Chemotherapy Medications

Chemotherapy treatments may be administered in a variety of ways. They may be taken orally, or they may be injected into the patient’s vein or muscle. Chemotherapy is called a systemic treatment. This means that although it is designed to treat people with specific types of cancers, the medications are potent enough to kill the cancer cells both inside and outside the lung area. Certain chemotherapy medications include carboplatin, cisplatin, etoposide, and iressa.

Each medication has its own side effects, but some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy drugs include having less energy and feeling fatigued, experiencing hair loss, and nausea. Patients can also lose weight and have a loss of appetite. Patients may vomit or develop mouth sores among other types of side effects. One of the most irritating side effects is fatigue, as patients may feel generally worn down during the course of chemotherapy treatment.

Since chemotherapy treatment can be so rough on the body, it is important for patients considering the treatment to consult first with their doctor. Patients who are already unhealthy or weak may want to consider an alternative to chemotherapy. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant may also wish to hold off on chemotherapy, as certain chemotherapy drugs can cause sterility or birth defects. Chemotherapy may also not be as beneficial for some types of lung cancer as it is for others. If you have a more advanced stage of cancer or the cancer has spread to other organs in the body, chemotherapy may still be an option. However, you may want to discuss with your doctor whether it should be the only treatment, as other treatments like radiation and surgery may also be recommended.

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