
Lung Cancer
Complications of Lung Cancer


Complications of Lung Cancer

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The Results of Lung Cancer Lung cancer causes several complications and problems within people diagnosed with the disease. These complications can range from irritating side effects of the disease o READ MORE

Lung Cancer Complications

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Year : 2008 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 6 | Page : 104-107 Management of lung cancer-related complications Ahmed Saadeen1, Abdul-Rahman Jazieh2 1 Riyadh Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Ar READ MORE

Complications of Lung Cancer

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Complications of Lung cancer Lung cancer: Introduction List of complications News TopComplications list for Lung cancer:The list of complications that have been mentioned in various sourc READ MORE

Complications of Lung Cancer

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Lung Cancer What Happens Date updated: June 12, 2006 Shannon Erstad, MBA/MPH Content provided by Healthwise Lung cancer may cause breathing or heart problems such as: Pleural effusion, whi READ MORE

Complications Of Lung Cancer

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Complications Lung cancer can cause complications, such as: Fluid in the chest (pleural effusion). Lung cancer can cause fluid to accumulate in the space that surrounds the lungs in the chest cav READ MORE

Complications of Lung Cancer

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Complications: Lung cancer may cause wheezing by narrowing the airway. Blockage of an airway by a tumor may lead to the collapse of the part of the lung that the airway supplies, a condition called at READ MORE
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