Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment
Alternative lung cancer treatment
Lung cancer affects the lungs and is caused mainly because of smoking, however it can even occur in people who have never smoked which can be attributed to inhaled cancer causing agents. Lung cancer is of two types:
Non-small cell lung cancer
Small cell lung cancer
Lung cancer is treated either by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, and photodynamic therapy. The treatment of the lung cancer depends on the stage in which the cancer is. The physician taking care of your health would know what is best for you.
When a treatment plan is prepared for lung cancer then there are different alternative and complimentary therapies that are included to improve the quality of life of the patient. When taking lung cancer therapy it is important that you ask your health car professional about the best way in which the alternative therapy can be included in your treatment plan and inform your physician about the other supplements and herbs that you are taking.
Supplements used in alternative lung cancer treatment
Here are some of the supplements that you can use to reduce the symptoms.
You should try and remove substances like dairy, corn, soy, preservatives and other additives and get yourself checked for food allergies.
Start consuming foods that are a rich source of iron and vitamin B like green leafy vegetables, whole grains, sea vegetables etc.
Start using healthy cooking oil like vegetable or olive oil
Include foods containing antioxidants like cherries, blueberries, tomatoes, bell pepper, squash etc.
Reduce your intake of red meat and increase lean meat, tofu, cold-water fish, and beans. Use eggs, vegetable protein shakes etc in your meal.
Try and avoid pastas, white bread and sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco etc. Also eliminate trans-fatty acids that are found in commercially baked foods.
Include light exercises in your daily routine.
Your doctor can prescribe the following in your daily routine
Pro-biotic supplement around 5-10 CFU/day so that your gastrointestinal and immunity is maintained properly. It is beat advised to refrigerate the pro-biotic supplement.
A multivitamin tablet every day that would contain vitamin A, C, E, and vitamin B-complex. Besides it should also contain trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
Vitamin C, 500-1000 mg once or twice in a day. This would serve as an antioxidant and support your immune system.
Omega-3-fatty acids, like fish oil to increase the immunity and help in decreasing the inflammation. Cold-water fish like halibut or salmon etc.
L-theanine, 200 mg 1-3 times in a day for supporting the immune and the nervous system
Alpha-lipoic acid, 25-50 mg for antioxidant support
Melatonin 2-6 mg at bedtime for sleep and immune support. High doses of melatonin can be beneficial in cases of lung cancer.
Resveratol 50-100 mg every day. This is to decrease the inflammation and the antioxidant effect.
Herbs as an alternative therapy
Herbs are a good way in, which the body can be strengthened, and a natural way of dealing with the system of the body. However, you should not start on any kind of herb therapy without consulting your physician. The herbs can be used either in the form of extracts like powders, capsules, tea etc or as tinctures. If not specified then you should have tea with 1 tsp of herb boiled with the tea decoction.
Some of the herbs that can be used include green tea, olive leaf, reishi mushroom, fermented wheat germ extract, milk thistle etc. These help in supporting the immune system and act as antioxidants, you can also use these as detoxification support.
Homeopathy as alternative therapy
When you consult an experienced homeopath for alternative therapy for lung cancer then he would prescribe you a schedule that would support your health during your lung cancer treatment. Some acute therapies can be useful for getting relief from symptoms as a result of the complications of the lung cancer treatment. Homeopathy can reduce the symptoms and the constitution of the body so that the stress on the body as a result of the treatment is reduced.
Physical treatment as alternative therapy
Putting an oil pack of castor oil can decrease the side effects as a result of chemotherapy in lung and helps the lungs in detoxification. You can soak a cloth in castor oil and apply it on the skin keeping a source of heat on top. You should leave it for 30 minutes or more. You can use this procedure for 3-4 consecutive days in a week to get the best results.
Acupuncture as an alternative therapy
Acupuncture is not used as treatments for cancer itself but researches have shown that it can be used as a beneficial therapy for the cancer related symptoms like nausea and vomiting. It is shown that acupuncture can reduce the incidence of shortness of breath and also reduce the pain.
Acupressure has also resulted as a useful tool in controlling the incidence of breathlessness and this can be easily learnt by; patients in controlling breathlessness. There are many acupuncture professionals who prefer to work with lung cancer patients after the treatment is completed. Whereas; there are others who would provide this therapy during the treatment of lung cancer.
Alternative therapy for lung cancer is given to patients based on individual needs and symptoms. You should never start any alternative therapy without consulting your physician. Moreover you should initially get yourself checked for the allergies and other effects that can be harmful to you.
