Lung Cancer News Groups
Branches of oncology - Respiratory/Thoracic Cancer
Associations, foundations, societies
Associations, foundations, societies - Europe
Associations, foundations, societies - USA
Cooperative Research Groups
Newsgroups / Mailing lists
Cancer Registries
Information about Lung cancer
Information about Mesothelioma
Books [Russian]
Ph.D. works [Russian]
Associations, foundations, societies
Australian Lung Foundation (ALF) Lutwyche, QLD, Australia
raising funds in support of medical research into lung disease; distributing research findings and knowledge; educating patients and the broader public on the treatment and prevention of lung disease
Canadian Lung Association Ottawa, ON, Canada
umbrella group for the ten provincial Lung Associations
Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC)
promotes global understanding of the burden of lung cancer and the right of patients to effective early detection, better treatment and supportive care
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Aurora, CO, USA
promotes the study of etiology, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and all other aspects of lung cancer; disseminates information about lung cancer
Japan Lung Cancer Society Chiba, Japan
promoting diverse research on lung cancer and its related fields; helping to diffuse knowledge and understanding of the disease among society
Lung Cancer Canada Toronto, ON, Canada
increases awareness about lung cancer; supports patients living with lung cancer and the individuals who care for them; provides educational resources to patients, their family members and health care professionals
West Japan Thoracic Oncology Group (WJTOG) Japan
Newsgroups / Mailing lists
ACOR (Association of Cancer Online Resources) Groups
IRESSA-NSCLC (Discussion of Iressa used for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer)
LUNG-BAC (Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma, Lung Cancer)
LUNG-NSCLC (Non Small Cell Lung Cancer)
LUNG-ONC (Lung Cancer Support Group)
LUNG-SCLC (Small Cell Lung Cancer)
THYMOMA (Malignant Thymoma Information Group)
Cancer Registries
National Familial Lung Cancer Registry (NFLCR) Baltimore, MD, USA
Stacey Scott Lung Cancer Registry Buffalo, NY, USA
Lung cancer
Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA), USA Frankly Speaking about Lung Cancer
information about diagnosis, treatment, lifestyle concerns and strategies for communicating with your healthcare team
Lung Cancer Online
gateway to lung cancer resources for people with lung cancer and their families Lung Cancer
MedicineNet Lung Cancer
MedlinePlus Lung Cancer
National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA
Lung Cancer
What You Need to Know about Lung Cancer
OncoLink Lung Cancer
OncologyChannel Lung cancer
With Every Breath: A Lung Cancer Guidebook
based on the book by Tina M. St. John
National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma