Lung Cancer Patient Education Resources from CancerHelp UK
Lung cancer and mesothelioma questions
This section gives answers to some of the general questions we've been asked about lung cancer. If you need to find out anything specific about yourself, then you need to talk to your GP or consultant. There is also a whole section on lung cancer and a mesothelioma section in CancerHelp UK.
Can you tell me about the new lung cancer vaccine?
What is signet cell cancer?
Radiofrequency ablation
Having oxygen on holiday
How can I have oxygen at home?
Numb fingers after chemotherapy
BLP25 liposomal vaccine (Stimuvax) trial for non small cell lung cancer
What is a Pancoast tumour?
Beta carotene and smoking
Lung cancer, fatigue and loss of appetite
Lung cancer treatment
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA)
Thalidomide and lung cancer
Pleurodesis treatment
Age, smoking and risk of lung cancer
Pemetrexed for mesothelioma
Coping with a diagnosis of lung cancer
Prognosis after lung cancer surgery
What is laser therapy for lung cancer?
Can I get private screening for lung cancer?
Surgery alone as treatment for lung cancer
Is there a Stage V lung cancer?
Oat cell cancer and smoking
Pain after lung surgery
Is radiotherapy always used to best advantage for lung cancer?
Lung cancer that has spread to the brain
Is lung cancer curable?
Carcinoid of the lung
Large cell lung cancer
What does large cell 3b mean?
Breathlessness after lung surgery
Stage IIIB lung cancer
Prognosis of squamous cell lung cancer
Cromolyn as cancer treatment
Emphysema and lung cancer
Note: If you can't find the question(s) you would like answered, please use the Questions Form. However, do note that we can only answer general questions about cancer and treatment. We cannot answer questions about anyone's individual medical condition or prognosis. This can only be done by your own doctor who has access to all your medical information and test results.
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Last updated 27 November 2008
CancerHelp UK is not designed to provide medical advice or professional services and is intended to be for educational use only. The information provided through CancerHelp UK is not a substitute for professional care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your doctor.
Copyright Cancer Research UK 2002
Cancer Research UK Charity Number 1089464
