Martha's Helping Angels cancer support community
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Message From The Administrator...
In April of 2002, Martha was diagnosed with a Grade II Astrocytoma Brain Tumor located in the front center lobe of her brain. Martha, 20 years old and a mother of two at the time, was also three months pregnant with her third child. In August of that year, doctors could no longer wait and had to perform a c-section and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Brian "Keith" Watson. One week from the day he was born, Martha had brain surgery in which doctors removed 85% of her tumor. As a result of the surgery, Martha was left paralized down the entire right side of her body. Over the past six years, she has been in and out of remission fighting very hard with her disease. She is currently taking radiation and chemotherapy. Our kids are constantly helping mom everyway they can to make things a little easier for her. Though sometimes they do not understand, they still try their best. They are truly "Martha's Helping Angels". Now you know what led us down this path, for Martha is the foundation of our family and that is what keeps us believing and moving forward. There is a lot you can do as a community. Join us in her "Campaign Of Hope" for all cancer victims and show them that they truly have someone they can count on and hold their hand through the tough times as well as the good times. Invite your family and friends to share in this experience with us
