Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Fund
Phone: Call 1-866-316-PANF (7263)
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Fund
Eligibility Criteria
Patient Access Network Foundation uses the following criteria to determine eligibility for assistance:
1. You have to be insured and your insurance has to cover the medication for which you are seeking assistance.
2. The medication you take must fight the disease directly.
3. You have to be a US resident.
4. Your income must fall below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Click here for the Federal Poverty Guidelines
Fund Status
Open - applications for new and renewal patients are accepted and grants are immediately allocated.
Maximum Award Level
$ 7,500 per year
Get Help with your Treatment
Online: How to Apply Online
Phone: Call 1-866-316-PANF (7263)
Information About the Disease
Lung cancer is an abnormal growth of the cells in the lungs. It is the leading cause of cancer related death among both men and women in the United States. Every year, approximately 170,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer metastasizes at a slower rate than small cell lung cancer and accounts for approximately 80 percent of all lung cancers.
Chemotherapy destroys lung cancer cells by impeding their growth and reproduction. Chemotherapy drugs are given by intravenous infusion or injection or by mouth. Chemotherapy is often used alone, or in conjunction with radiation therapy or surgery.
Private insurance and Medicare are the most common types of health coverage for patients with NSCLC. Both can lead to access issues for many patients. As a result, low-to-moderate income beneficiaries are often unable to afford the out-of-pocket costs associated with their treatment.
Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit established in 2004, dedicated to assisting patients who cannot afford the out-of-pocket costs associated with their treatment needs. With 20 disease-specific funds, PAN assists the underinsured in accessing health care treatments. Throughout all 50 states and three U.S. territories PAN provides trained case managers that patients or advocates may speak with about their care. PAN provides hope at times when people have nowhere else to turn.
Since October 2004, PAN has helped more than 50,000 underinsured patients cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. Our assistance averages more than $ 3,300 per patient per year.
