Preventing Lung Cancer
Preventing Lung Cancer
The most important thing a person can do to decrease his chances of developing lung cancer is to change his or her lifestyle immediately. Balancing diet and exercise, as well as quitting smoking, can make a world of difference as far as reducing your chances for developing lung cancer.
Steps to Prevention
Smoking causes nearly 90 percent of all lung cancer. So it is vitally important for smokers to stop using tobacco products as soon as possible. This goes for both cigarettes and chewing tobacco. After quitting, the risk for developing lung cancer –which has been significantly heightened during use—will gradually decrease over a ten to 15 year period as long as smoking is not resumed. During this period, your lungs will recover and the risk for lung cancer decreases significantly. Of course, this holds a greater benefit for those who quit smoking at a younger age than those who stop later. There are several products on the market available to help you kick the habit. These include nicotine gums, sprays, inhalers, and patches. Oral medications like bupropion may also be of help. People who live with smokers should also consider their living situation. They still have an increased risk for lung cancer although they do not smoke themselves.
People who work in dangerous environments such as those people who work around chemicals like asbestos, radon, or other radioactive elements should consider changing work environments. If this isn’t possible, you should discuss with your doctor steps you can take to minimize the risk of lung damage, such as wearing a mask or following other precautions. A cancer institute, your doctor, or your employer should be able to provide you with steps you can take to minimize your exposure to these chemicals. If you have a family history of cancer and you already participate in other risk factors such as smoking, you may want to reconsider your work environment, as you could be at an even greater risk for developing the disease.
Contact your doctor for more information, including an analysis of your risks and what you can do to prevent the development of lung cancer.
