The Keahey Law Firm Mesothelioma attorney
The Keahey Law Firm
One Independence Plaza, Suite 814 Birmingham, Alabama 35209
Mesothelioma. Lung cancer. Asbestos. You may have never thought about those things. But that has changed. Maybe you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer. Or you may be a person who has lost a loved one because of mesothelioma or lung cancer.
Asbestos may be to blame
If that describes you, there are two things you should know. The first is that asbestos may be to blame. Medical experts say mesothelioma and certain types of lung cancer are directly linked to asbestos exposure. The most common place for asbestos exposure is the workplace. You may be sick with an asbestos-related illness today even if your exposure to asbestos occurred as long as 60 years ago.
We can help
The second thing you should know is that you have come to the right place for help. Every day, the Keahey Law Firm assists men, women and families deal with the devastating impact of asbestos. We represent the people who are suffering because of what asbestos has done. We seek compensation not only for the victims of asbestos exposure, but for their surviving family members as well.
We invite you to explore our website. We hope this information helps you learn more about asbestos and the compensation you may be entitled to. We are just a phone call away, so please call us if there is anything we can do to assist you.
