The Lung Cancer Blog
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Monday, Nov 17, 2008
Study Sheds Light on Why Only Some Smokers Get Lung Cancer
New research is being done to find out why only some smokers end up getting lung cancer and one reason may be something called methylation, an event regulating gene expression that changes as people age.
"Alteration to DNA methylation might potentially explain why some former smokers sustain additional genetic damage resulting in lung cancer," Vucic said. "As methylation is a reversible DNA modification, this knowledge could prompt the development and application of chemopreventive agents and unique therapeutic strategies that target DNA methylation in these patients."
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Monday, Nov 3, 2008
Natural Vitamin E May Prevent Lung Cancer
With the recent alarming studies that show vitamin E supplements may cause lung cancer, one might think that naturally occurring vitamin E in foods is also dangerous. Not so. A new study has found that vitamin E in its natural alpha-tocopherol form slashed lung cancer risk by more than 50 percent.
It's one of the first studies to look at the effects of different forms of vitamin E on lung cancer risk.
There are eight forms of vitamin E: four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). Alpha-tocopherol is the main source found in supplements and in the European diet, while gamma-tocopherol is the most common form in the American diet.
Mike Adams at Natural News comments on this:
... the real truth about natural vitamin E continues to come out: It slashes lung cancer risk by a whopping 55 percent. It also slashes the risk of other cancers, but only if you use the natural form of vitamin E, not the synthetic form. The National Cancer Institute knows this, of course, but they continue to use synthetic vitamin E anyway, since the whole purpose of their own studies is to discredit vitamin E rather than conduct actual science.
It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
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Sunday, Nov 2, 2008
Lung Spots Shouldn't Be Ignored
Dr. Peter Gott answers a letter from a concerned reader who tells of her father-in-law's experience with lung spots:
Following an X-ray, he was told he had a spot on his lung, but the doctor didn't feel it was anything to worry about ... Since he hated going to doctors, he didn't do anything abut it. Five months later, he was in the hospital, diagnosed with lung cancer.
She says people shouldn't wait to have lung spots checked out, even if the doctor thinks there's nothing to worry about and Dr. Gott responds in agreement.
Read the full letter and Dr. Gott's response here.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Author Nuala O'Faolain Dies of Lung Cancer
Irish author Nuala O'Faolain has died of lung cancer in Dublin at the age of 68. O'Faolain was the author of the memoir "Are You Somebody?" and was an outspoken journalist and feminist.
Just a few weeks ago she announced her illness and gave an interview with state radio RTE. She said the cancer had spread to her liver and brain. During the interview she also said she didn't believe in an afterlife.
"I can't be consoled by the mention of God. I wish everyone comfort for those who believe, but I cannot. To me it's meaningless."
She also said she could no longer concentrate or enjoy the things she used to.
"Beauty means nothing to me anymore. I tried to read (Marcel) Proust again recently, but it has gone — the magic has gone. It amazed me how quickly my life turned black."
After her diagnosis, she opted not to undergo chemotherapy. Before entering hospice care, she spent her last weeks traveling and visiting with friends.
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Saturday, Apr 5, 2008
Gene Variant May Cause Nicotine Addiction
Several new studies have found that a common genetic variation that affects how the body responds to nicotine increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
The papers said that people who inherit the variation from one parent have a 30 percent greater chance of getting lung cancer. Those who inherit the variation from both parents face an increased risk of 70 to 80 percent.
Several researchers believe it is not the gene variant itself that causes lung cancer but the fact that the variant appears to cause addiction to nicotine.
Stefansson said the extra cigarettes, not the gene itself, led to lung cancer. His group estimates that the variation was indirectly responsible for 18 percent of lung cancers and 10 percent of cases of peripheral artery disease, which is also linked to smoking.
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Celebrities with Lung Cancer
Lung Spots
News and Research
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Risk Factors
Recent Entries
Study Sheds Light on Why Only Some Smokers Get Lung Cancer
Natural Vitamin E May Prevent Lung Cancer
Lung Spots Shouldn't Be Ignored
Author Nuala O'Faolain Dies of Lung Cancer
Gene Variant May Cause Nicotine Addiction
Vitamin E Supplement May Increase Lung Cancer Risk
Smoking Increases Risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia
20 Percent of Women with Lung Cancer Never Smoked
Man Diagnosed with Lung Cancer Wins Lottery
Lung Removal for Incidentalomas Often Unnecessary
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Entry: Study Sheds Light on Why Only Some Smokers Get Lung Cancer
SUGABABE wrote: Does anyone know whether the DDT fog that was spra... [more]
Entry: Man Diagnosed with Lung Cancer Wins Lottery
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Entry: The Lung Cancer Blog
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Entry: Smoking Increases Risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia
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Entry: 20 Percent of Women with Lung Cancer Never Smoked
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Entry: Lung Removal for Incidentalomas Often Unnecessary
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