Welcome to cancerfacts.com for Healthcare Professionals
The NexProfiler™ Professional Tool for Cancer is a free comprehensive tool that repurposes scientific publications to provide fast access to evidence based clinical information at the point-of-care, to ensure more informed decisions for Healthcare Professionals.
Choose a NexProfiler Professional Tool:
Lung - Non-Small Cell
Lung - Small Cell
How The NexProfiler Professional Tool for Cancer Works
Next Generation Search Technology
In addition to standard searching by keyword, author and journal title, our next generation search technology also allows you to search based on modeling a patient case using our clinical profile criteria or "Virtual Case Model" (VCM).
VCM searches will allow you to describe search parameters in terms of the clinical presentation of a patient. You can enter parameters such as age, performance status, stage, test results, and many other descriptive parameters to find relevant published literature that matched the VCM. Results will also be based on each study’s inclusion criteria, ensuring that only scientifically correct literature is found that is relevant to the the VCM.
More Informed Study Report Selection
Our Graph Results by Treatment Report will first sort your search results by treatment category.
Each treatment category will separate out studies that compared treatments "head to head", so they can be viewed separately from studies that reviewed single treatments.
For all other studies where the inclusion criteria was matched, you’ll be able to view the credibility of each study based on whether they were...
... Randomized or Non Randomized
... Multi Center or Single Center
... Meta Analysis or Non Meta Analysis
Unique interactive "3-D view" Study Reports
Each Study Report consists of the Title, Author(s), Publication Information, Abstract/Review and Data Graphs/Tables. In addition to simply reading the information, you will have an opportunity to interact with the key algorithms, data tables, etc. in each study. Change the VCM within each study to view how these key algorithms produce new results. We call this a "3-D view" of the science within a publication. Upon change, the report will recalculate the graphs and tables based on the new values for an easy yet powerful "what if" analysis.
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